CO.BRA is an interdisciplinary scientific network based at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) dedicated to research on automated acoustic monitoring of the Pantanal biodiversity. Team members come from various UFMT-Institutes, namely the National Institute of Wetland Sciences and Technology (INAU / CNPq), the Institute of Biosciences (IB), the Institute of Computation (IC), and the Institute of Physics (IF). The laboratories of the CO.BRA Unit are hosted at the Institute of Bioscience, Laboratory of Ecology and Taxonomy of Arthropods (LETA) and the Institute of Computation.
The CO.BRA team consists of eight research sub-units (data acquisition, bioacoustics, system development, signal processing, artificial intelligence, data communication, knowledge transfer), plus a project management section.
In 2015 the CO.BRA team established the “INAU Pantanal BioData Center” (IBPC), a server-based data bank of animal audios (crickets, anurans, birds, mammal) and a high-tech laboratory of bioacoustics. Both research units are hosted at the Laboratory of Ecology and Taxonomy of Arthropods (LETA / IB / UFMT).
The core sub-unit coordinators are mentioned in the organization chart. However, for additional research participants in each sub-unit check the team link.
Presently research funds for CO.BRA come from the National Institute of Wetland Sciences and Technology (INAU / CNPq), Brazil, National Research Institute of Pantanal (INPP), Brazil, and the Brehm Foundation for International Bird Conservation (BF), Germany.
Research is registered and authorized by a SISBIO permit (No. 39095, K.-L. Schuchmann) from the Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, Ministério Federal de Meio Ambiente, Brazil.